Initially tasked with creating a website, I recognized the need to first develop a compelling marketing narrative and educational content to effectively introduce and differentiate the product to an international audience.

The primary challenge was the lack of a marketing strategy and consumer education for Kogarashi Nama Sake. Most international consumers were unfamiliar with even traditional sake, let alone the unique characteristics of nama sake.
主な課題は、凩 生酒に対するマーケティング戦略と消費者教育の欠如でした。国際的な消費者の多くは、伝統的な日本酒にさえ馴染みがない状況で、生酒のユニークな特性を理解している人はさらに少なかったです。
Strategic Storytelling
Before website development, I crafted a “story” to educate potential customers about sake, focusing on what makes nama sake special and Kogarashi’s unique approach. This story formed the backbone of the website content.
Website Development and Design
I built a custom-themed website, integrating advanced animations using GSAP and Lottie to enhance user experience. The design included distinct sections such as Our Story, Brewing, Tasting, How to Consume, and Cocktails, each tailored to engage and educate different segments of the target market.
Logo and Branding
I redesigned the Kogarashi logo to enhance its significance and appeal to an international audience, while preserving its cultural essence. The original logo utilizes the Japanese kanji “凩” which means “winter wind.” Kogarashi’s unique symbol is a creative modification of this kanji, removing the “木” (ki) character inside, which simplifies the symbol while retaining its meaning.
To illustrate this transformation and deepen the brand narrative, I created an animation for the website’s landing page. This animation, crafted using After Effects and implemented with Lottie via a JSON file, starts with the complete “凩” kanji. As the animation progresses, the “木” inside elegantly flies away, pushed by a ‘winter wind,’ leaving behind the modified symbol that uniquely represents Kogarashi. This visual storytelling helps explain the logo’s significance to an international audience unfamiliar with Japanese kanji, tying the brand’s identity directly to its cultural roots and innovative approach.
この変形を示し、ブランドナラティブを深めるために、私はウェブサイトのランディングページ用にアニメーションを作成しました。このアニメーションはAfter Effectsで制作され、Lottieを介してJSONファイルで実装され、「凩」の完全な漢字から始まります。アニメーションが進むにつれて、「木」がエレガントに飛び去り、「冬の風」に押し出され、凩生酒をユニークに代表する変更されたシンボルだけが残ります。このビジュアルストーリーテリングは、日本の漢字に不慣れな国際的なオーディエンスにロゴの重要性を説明し、ブランドのアイデンティティをその文化的なルーツと革新的なアプローチに直接結びつけるのに役立ちます。

UI Elements
The site features dynamic animations and professionally retouched images that simulate transparency in cocktail glasses, creating an immersive and visually engaging user experience.

The website successfully increased awareness and understanding of Kogarashi Nama Sake on the overseas market. The structured educational content helped position the brand as both innovative and deeply rooted in sake tradition, enhancing its appeal to both consumers and professional clients like bartenders and cocktail masters.