As a hobby, I sometimes produced vinyl records under my own label and have worked with artists in Europe and Japan. I realized the challenges Japanese indie bands face in distributing and promoting their music.
Conceived for the record label Alegori, the platform was designed to blend the personalization features of platforms like MySpace with the streaming and entertainment capabilities of services such as Spotify and Apple Music.
Alegoriレコードレーベルのために考案されたこのプラットフォームは、MySpaceのようなパーソナライゼーション機能と、SpotifyやApple Musicのようなストリーミングおよびエンターテインメント機能を融合させることを目指してデザインされました。

The primary focus was to offer indie artists a ‘mini-site’ framework, allowing them to share their music, news, and merchandise directly with a global audience, and customize the look and feel to their own sensitivity and art. The platform (PaaS) was developed as a web-app to ensure a consistent user experience across all devices while simplifying maintenance. Features included options for users worldwide to follow their favorite bands, purchase merchandise, donate directly to the artists, watch live streams, and stay updated on concert schedules.

Japan Indies Now!
As a plus, Alegori Music also planned to release “Japan Indies Now!”, an annual compilation featuring top artists curated from the platform, designed to showcase and promote the best of Japanese indie music to the world.
Japan Indies Now!
さらに、「Japan Indies Now!」という年間コンピレーションをリリースする計画もありました。これはプラットフォームから厳選されたトップアーティストをフィーチャーし、世界に日本のインディーズ音楽の最良を紹介し、促進することを目的としています。
This initiative was part of Alegori’s commitment to providing indie artists with the same opportunities and network typically reserved for those signed to major labels, leveling the playing field and fostering a vibrant community of creativity and artistic expression.